Category: Uncategorized
Whale DNA proves illegal "bycatch"
New Scientist has published an article about how DNA technology is being used to establish the number of Minke whales being taken illegally in North Korean waters.
PEN World Voices
Mark Sarvas over at The Elegant Variation has a wonderful wrap-up of PEN’s World Voices conference, including panel summaries, videos of readings, photos and lectures.
The Writer Profile Project
This week Kelly Spitzer profiles Jason Shaffner on her literary blog.
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Writers’ Showcase
Kelly Spitzer’s newest Showcase is now live. The Showcase
While in Arizona, we visited the site of an ancient pueblo that was a thriving community about 1,000 years ago. One of the most amazing sights at the pueblo was the ancient petroglyphs. They moved me–inexplicably–the way the sight of a breaching whale moves me. They expanded my consciousness and the sense of my place…
The Petrified Forest
I’ve wanted to visit the petrified forest for as long as I can remember. My grandfather kept a chunk of petrified wood on his desk until he died, and my grandmother kept it there afterwards. To give that some context, these were people who travelled all over the world, lived in India, Ethiopia, climbed the…
“It seems in every interaction there is something to learn if we can only see ourselves as students. If we can humble ourselves, and allow ourselves to see the world without our own beliefs and dogmas, then we could see so much beauty awaiting us in each moment.” –Sukh Chugh
Bad Haircut
Okay, so I’m not Sampson or anything, nor am I especially vain (most days), but I have a new and hideous haircut and it’s killing me. It was on a whim, yesterday, that I pulled into the grocery store parking lot with my almost 17-year-old daughter who has been having a rough couple of weeks.…
It is sooo cold in western New York. We are freezing our noonies off. (For those, that is–unlike my cats–who haven’t already had them surgically removed.) We are fortunate to have a warm house, reliable vehicles, well-insulated pipes, and plenty of food. When the wind whistles at my windows, and the edges of the door…