Winter again

If you were reading my blog last winter, you know how much I usually gripe and complain about winter, snow, etc. I live near Buffalo, NY and get a lot of the stuff, for a long time. Except for this year. We had a short stint of snowy weather in December, but had a green Christmas and no appreciable snow since then. Until today. We still only got about three or four inches, but it was enough to require shoveling and it made the world beautiful again. I know, I know, “Who am I and what have I done with Mary-the-winter-hater?” Well, maybe I’m feeling so optimistic because I’m going to the ITME field station in Dominica on the 15th. I can’t wait to see the Caribbean in February. I’d always been going down in July–what was I thinking??

And my middle daughter is going with me this year. Each child gets a chance to make the trip with me when he or she turns 13. This year is Cady’s turn. We’re getting very excited. 🙂






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