Crab Con 2020 Registration

Pre-registration for our new VIRTUAL Crab Con 2020 is COMING SOON, complete with details and pricing levels. Stay tuned!!

Want to learn more? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Instagram (@crabcon2020).






5 responses to “Crab Con 2020 Registration”

  1. Thomas Avatar

    Crab Con sounds awesome…. where is it? Where can I find event details? There are no links in this post but surprise there’s a paypal link.

    1. Mary Akers Avatar

      I’ll add a couple. Thank you, Thomas!

  2. Amy Battle Avatar
    Amy Battle

    My daughters who are 8 and 9 are interested in attending. Are kids allowed? If so, is the cost the same for them?

    1. Mary Akers Avatar

      Kids 12 and under get in free with an accompanying parent. I haven’t spoken to the caterer about costs for kids for the evening Opening Reception–or if they are even allowed in the room with alcohol being served. I just need to find that information out before I say for sure about the reception, but they are definitely welcome to attend every other part.

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