Category: Uncategorized
Cliff Garstang and In an Uncharted Country
Cliff Garstang’s debut collection of stories is on its way to all who preordered (me! Yay!) and his first official signing takes place tomorrow, in Staunton, VA. There’s a great write-up here.
New Review for Women Up On Blocks
Can be read here at an interesting new blog devoted exclusively to book reviews. Here’s an excerpt: “WOMEN UP ON BLOCKS–The title itself conjures a powerful image. Set aside the immediate mental flash of stirrups and invasive annual examination. Look at the cover art (good shoes) because in this case you can judge a book…
Our new cover!
Our lovely new cover (and new title) for the NF book’s US release has now been agreed upon! And you can even pre-order it at Amazon.
Bread Loaf Day #3
Saturday, August 15, 2009 I barely made it to breakfast. While the waiters were lifting up the hot trays of eggs I was grabbing frantically for a hard-boiled egg and some plain oatmeal before they whisked everything away. On the plus side, when I went to wolf down my food, I ended up sitting right…
Bread Loaf, day 2 (for me)
Friday, August 14, 2009 The morning lecture was with Thomas Mallon, titled, “Epistler in Chief: Six Presidents in Their Letters.” He is such an engaging speaker, charming and funny and composed. I always love hearing him speak. And his topic was fascinating—presidential letters and diaries. Something that we (sadly) won’t have anymore because the concerns…
In An Uncharted Country
My good friend Cliff Garstang’s debut short story collection is now available for pre-order at Press 53 It’s a wonderful book set in the fictional town of Rugglesville, VA and I highly recommend it!
Bread Loaf!
Bread Loaf, August 13, 2009 Should I make a disclaimer here? That I adore Bread Loaf and maybe I’m not the most unbiased reporter of happenings from the Mountain? Nah. If you didn’t know that about me already, you’ll figure it out soon enough. 🙂 This is my first time returning to Bread Loaf in…
Almost heaven, Floyd, Virginia
I leave tomorrow, to head to my favorite spot on the planet. I’ll be at Floyd Fest on Friday, reading at the Floyd Library on Saturday (please come by at 2PM if you’re in the area!), catching up with old friends, and soaking up enough Floyd vibes to last until my next visit, which can’t…
Blast from the Past, courtesy of the world wide web
I was just following a link to a post about writing and clicked on a blog with this picture: And I knew it, instantly and instinctively. It’s a closeup shot of the inside of the Bookbindery in Colonial Williamsburg. I am absolutely certain of it in the most visceral of ways. (I worked there as…
The Short Review
I’m honored and thrilled to have my short story collection Women Up On Blocks reviewed at an excellent website devoted exclusively to the literary short form. The Short Review