Category: Uncategorized
St George’s Catholic Church
My co-author and I had a great event this past Sunday at St. George’s Church in Buffalo. Our audience was delightful (an Over 55 group) and Andy kept joking that he was holding out for an “Over 75” group. They were attentive and receptive and bought all of the books we had brought with us.…
Review for One Life to Give
Thanks so much to Clifford Garstang over at Perpetual Folly for the kind review of One Life to Give!
I have an interview up at the Storyglossia blog: Clicky. Thank you, Storyglossia!
Rest In Peace, Tangie
For a few years in the 1980s, Tangie and I were best friends. I can’t even remember how we met, now. The high school marching band, perhaps? She was in the rifle corps and encouraged me to try out, too, after which we practiced together every day. She slept over at my house, I slept…
Thank you Oprah…
…for, among other things, defending the short story! She speaks about not always needing to have every story neatly tied up and that the mystery of “whatever happened to that character” is what makes it especially memorable. Amen! Clicky (The part I love is right at the 3-minute mark.)
The Maybe Dialogue, Final Installment
The last installment of the Maybe Dialogue between The Potomac Review and myself is now up. Thanks for reading. Maybe Dialogue
Loved this story in Frigg by Kenneth Pobo: Poof!
The Maybe Dialogue Begins
Over at the Potomac Review blog we’ve started a discussion about a story of mine that they read and felt was a “maybe.” It’s a great glimpse into the editorial process. Check it out!
Robert Boswell reads…
…from his marvelous short story collection The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards over at Lively Words
New Trailer for One Life to Give
Blazing Trailers