Category: Uncategorized
Navy experiments risk the lives of marine mammals
The US Navy is experimenting with massive shock waves that will be used to destroy incoming torpedos. While this may be a great idea for protecting submariners, the Navy–yet again–fails to consider the effect of massive shock waves to marine mammals who rely on sonar. The testing alone could cause massive strandings of disoriented whales…
Orphaned bear cubs stick together
Read the story here.
Publishing and marketing your book
There’s a great discussion on this over at the Emerging Writers Network website. You can access it here.
Three weeks
Well, my stipend check from Bread Loaf came yesterday. I wonder if they know I’d do it for free? Shh. Don’t tell. Seriously, I love that place and it takes about three weeks for me to come down from the high of being there. And at about three weeks post-Bread Loaf I also begin to…
Bread Loaf!
Well, I am off in the morning to start my stint as Social Staff at Bread Loaf and I am very excited. Last year, I sent my grandmother a postcard from there as she always supported my writing. She was a journalism major in college, and attended school with Eric Severeid (I think that’s right).…
Here is an awesome short video of a crow using a tool–but not just using the tool, also shaping it to fit her use. Amazing.
Newborn dolphins go a month without sleep…
And so do their poor mothers.
Lions save young girl from kidnappers
In Ethiopia, three lions rescue a 12-year-old girl from kidnappers who would force her into marriage.
A Few Coral Reef News Bits
Sharks found to be vital for reef health. Yet another huge, hideous cruise ship damages Cozumel reef, narrowly misses divers. (Cruise ships are seriously BAD for reef and ocean environments, in so many ways. Please don’t cruise.) New reefs discovered off Australia’s Mornington Island. US Defense Dept vs. the Okinawan dugong. Go dugong! Learn about…
“What I like in a good author isn’t what he says, but what he whispers.” -Logan Pearsall Smith, essayist (1865-1946)