Category: Animals
Day 49
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday I was completely worn out and ready to quit. Today I confirmed that I have two surviving on land and moved them into the hex tank (which still had survivors that I moved over to the kreisels) set up as a slightly larger mini tank. Just like adult…
Day(s) 46, 13, and 10
This is how “green” I’m keeping the water in the kreisels now. Adding extra nannochloropsis is helping SO much!! Each of the 2 1/2 gallon kreisels is able to carry a much heavier biological load without crashing. As a result, I’m seeing minimal losses and lots of well-fed, fast growing survivors. I also lowered the…
Day 44
Here’s a little video to give you some perspective on their size. I’m feeling pretty good about this little one’s chances. He’s feisty and busy.
Day 43
I think this is the streaker from yesterday, finally back in a shell. I moved him to the mini tank where there’s food, saltwater and fresh water, and a miniature shell shop. The other one who came on land a few days ago ditched his shell overnight (I think he got stuck?) and died. 😢 So this…
Day 42
Exhausting and frustrating day, but I got a great video out of it at least. I spend two hours trying to convince this little stinker to take a shell. He kept hanging out at the water’s edge and doing handstands (to dry his butt?? Who knows.) so I put a ton of baby shells around…
Day 41
Video of the third Megalopa to exit the water. I turn my phone sideways to video. Not sure why it insists on keeping it narrow down the center, but the image is much sharper on Vimeo than on YouTube. This is Brave Soul #3, exiting the water in a shell. I offered him a tiny…
Day 39, 6, and 3
Day 39 megalopa from Mary Akers on Vimeo. Made time for a seven mile hike in the woods today. My son was home and fed them halfway through the time I was gone. After getting home, I was reminded how important those little trips away are for me. Not only so I don’t spend all…
Day 38, 5, and 2
Still deciding what to do with the new spawn. Put a few in the kreisels, but the majority are still in the 2 1/2 gallon tank and doing okay. I spent most of my efforts on updating the transition tank. I knew it wasn’t working. There should have been 22 megalopa in there and I…
Day 37 … Day 4 … and Day 1.
Yup. Someone else spawned. Too exhausted to take a picture of it tonight, but I found a temporary tank to hold them until morning–when I will have to figure out what the heck to do with them–on top of all the others. We have officially reached the Be Careful What You Wish For stage. And…
Day 36.
We’re getting so close!! The first megalopa has taken a shell and climbed out of the water onto a rock!! I am so ridiculously excited!!! The final stage to becoming a fully formed hermit crab will occur when the megalopa crawls onto land and molts in the sand. That on-land molt gives him the final…