For a week or so, I’ve been trying to figure out how best to leave posts that friends and family can use to “check in” on us during our travels. I like Facebook, but it doesn’t keep things neatly in one place. So I made a page on this website called “Teardrop Travels” that I will use to upload pictures and info, but the page doesn’t ping blog followers when I simply update it.

SO. I’m going to write blog posts instead (which will appear as most recent) and I can link to them on FB. Then I will also add the posts to my dedicated website page (Teardrop Travels) so that they appear chronologically, first post to last. I think that will work. If you want to follow us, just type your email address into the “subscribe” box on the right—> and you’ll get an email ping whenever I post something new. I expect to post once a day, barring any special circumstances (like living in the moment or, you know, facing imminent exhaustion/dehydration/heatstroke/hypothermia).

Today, our final prep day, we’ve spent packing, organizing, filling the fridge, freezer, and cooler, and making another last-minute trip to the store for incidentals. I should probably clean the house, too, but whatevs. Oh, and I also made sure the hermit crabs would be good for food and water until the crabsitter comes. (Kermit is up from his molt–yay!) Tomorrow is the full moon, so there could possibly be some mating going on while I’m gone. Won’t know until I get back if anyone got their crabby little freak on, but I am still hoping to get another shot at hatching babies this summer/fall.
Didn’t sleep particularly well last night–too many pre-trip info-dumps racing through my brain. Yesterday, I finished the meditation pack on “change” and started today on “happiness.” Seems appropriate. Although, I must say, having this trip in the works for more than fifteen months and now being only 15 hours away is causing mixed emotions:

“Yay, we’re leaving on an adventure!”
“Yikes, so many things could go wrong!”
“Yay, we’re going to be free from responsibilities!”
“Yikes, we are completely responsibility for water, food, maps, etc.”
“Yay, we’ve got the coolest setup!”
“Yikes, what are we forgetting?“
You get the idea. Doesn’t make for the most relaxing night’s sleep. But that will perhaps work in our favor as once we hit the road, we will be experiencing much…shall we say…closer accommodations. Best to be completely exhausted like we always were when backpacking. When the sweaty, dirty smells didn’t register through the haze of exhaustion and relief. We shall see.

Anywho, we leave at 7am and hope to make it to Buck Creek State Park in Springfield, Ohio, where we may or may not fix dinner, depending on how long it takes to get there. If we’re behind schedule, we’ll eat along the way and save that time for figuring out where the heck we put everything and how to find what we need. I’m sure it will be a process. See you from the road in the virtual world!
I figured out comments! Have at it.