Waiting for my copy

I got an email saying it had shipped…maybe it will come today. I’m waiting for Jim Tomlinson’s Things Kept, Things Left Behind, which won the Iowa Short Fiction Award. Here is an excerpt from his “Backstory” essay, which can be read here.

“There is a saying in playwriting that the scene is never about what the scene is about. So it is in Things Kept, Things Left Behind. The stories, ultimately, are about things not written, at least not overtly. The unuttered core of these stories, the invisible center around which they twine, is the conflict inherent in human connectedness, all the passions and incredible difficulties tangled there.”

Can’t wait!






2 responses to “Waiting for my copy”

  1. Susan Henderson Avatar

    You’re going to love this book.

  2. katrina Avatar

    I’m looking forward to mine too.

I figured out comments! Have at it.