Tag: blog

  • Day Twenty Recap

    “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” ~Henry Ford We left the Worland RV Park (only for the day, trailer in-tow) to get back to the repair shop and let them fix a part of the wiring system that was isolated when the wires got ripped out.…

  • Day Nineteen Recap

    “A poem of the right shape will hold a thousand truths. But it doesn’t say any of them.” ~Ursula K. Le Guin (A quote in memory of my friend the exquisite poet Susan Laughter Meyers, who I just learned died suddenly last week.) We took our time leaving Grave Spring. Made more cowboy coffee, had…

  • Day Eighteen Recap

    “I’m dirty, sunburned, dried out, smelly, sweaty, covered in pine tree pollen, and it’s better than I’ve felt in a long time.” ~Len, sitting by the fire at Grave Spring Campsite. For breakfast we enjoyed a pour-over made with Arbuckle’s Ariosa Coffee, apparently a revival of the coffee brand that settled the west and a…

  • Day Seventeen Recap

    “It’s not an adventure until something goes wrong.” Yvon Chouinard I think I forgot to mention that last night was a hotel stay—with actual, real Internet. We got caught up on grooming, washed clothes, I finished several blog posts and scheduled them to publish since I knew we’d be back out of Internet range in…

  • Day Sixteen Recap

    “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ~Confucius We Left the Red Desert Rose Campground at 8am and drove into Rawlins, back to the Huckleberry Café for breakfast where we each got a Cowboy Bowl (hash browns, sausage, egg, cheese, and gravy) and some coffee. We took Route 220 towards Casper…

  • Day Fifteen Recap

    “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” ~Khalil Gibran I woke with a wicked migraine. Perhaps from my barely suppressed freakout of the night before, perhaps from not drinking enough to stay hydrated in this furnace-wind, perhaps from the cottonwood fluff blowing…

  • Day Fourteen Recap

    “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” ~Osho Two weeks. Holy cow. We’re halfway done. How can that be? Sleeping was tough last night. The storm never came through (skirted all around us) and the near-storm just left everything more still and…

  • Day Lucky-Thirteen

    “Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Last night, at about 1am or so, when we were both sound asleep in bed, Len let out a loud “Wooo!” that immediately woke me. It wasn’t clear if he was asleep, but it sounded like the kind of noise…

  • Day Twelve Recap

    “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” ~Dale Carnegie   Len and I were up at 6:30am in order to leave by 7:30 to be in Blanding by 8am to be there when…

  • Day Eleven Recap

    Our temporary traveling companions (Randy and Martha) arrived yesterday amidst the brutal heat, in the 100s, and the sun and wind continued to sap our already limited reserves. By the end of the day, we all kept saying, “I’m exhausted and I didn’t even do anything!” Except we did. At 6am, Len was up helping…