Category: Uncategorized

  • The Greatest Gift

    Here is the new trailer for the UK edition of our non-fiction book, The Greatest Gift. Kim McDougall of Blazing Trailers did such a fantastic job. I especially love the ending. Thank you, Kim!

  • Jericho Brown

    Check out the website and new book of poetry (PLEASE) by Jericho Brown. He’s a friend, and a kick-ass writer, too.

  • New Trailer!

    Kim McDougall at Blazing Trailers has made the most wonderful trailer for the Australian version of the NF book. I couldn’t be happier!

  • r.kv.r.y

    I am honored to have my work appear in the fine journal r.kv.r.y. You can read it here: Medusa Song

  • A fun article about ITME and me

    Michele Deluca is a charming reporter and it was a delight to be interviewed by her. You can read the results here. (Photo by Dan Cappellazzo)

  • The Maternal Is Political

    Today I received my contributor copies of the anthology The Maternal Is Political: Women Writers at the Intersection of Motherhood and Social Change. What a great looking book! And I am thrilled to have my essay appearing alongside the work of Barbara Kingsolver, Anne Lamott, Anna Quindlen, Nancy Pelosi, and Benazir Bhutto. Way cool. A…

  • My first blogger book review…

    …can be read over at Don Capone’s blog. Exciting!

  • Whale Sharks Turned Into Carnival Ride

    Read about it at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website.

  • The Money Factor

    Kelly Spitzer gets feedback from a number of authors (including yours truly) over at her blog, Writers in Profile on the subject of submitting to paying vs. non-paying journals.

  • The Liar’s Diary

    Today is the day that the blogosphere is celebrating and supporting and sending hope to Patry Francis, debut author of The Liar’s Club. It’s an amazing story–hers and her book’s–and you simply must check it out at Susan Henderson’s wonderful Lit Park.