Category: Uncategorized

  • Secret Son!!

    I can’t wait to read this new book by my friend Laila Lalami. Watch the trailer, and then preorder the book! You won’t be disappointed.

  • Our March 2nd Launch is here!!

    And the new cover is gorgeous! Thank you, S&S. 🙂 The Greatest Gift at Simon & Schuster UK, official publisher’s site

  • Trailer for UK edition

    Here’s the trailer for the UK edition of our non-fiction book, The Greatest Gift. Kim McDougall of Blazing Trailers did such a fantastic job. I especially love the ending. Thank you, Kim!

  • We Women Globally

    I am honored to be featured at We Women Globally today, a site which focuses on the achievements of women worldwide.

  • There’s still time!

    There’s still time for you to order WOMEN UP ON BLOCKS from Press 53. These are signed, first-edition copies that will be mailed out by mid-February. (If you want them signed to a specific person, just email my publisher and he’ll make sure we “get ‘er done” to your specifications.) And thank you!

  • Brevity 29

    I do love Brevity. They publish some very fine work, and their latest issue is no exception. Brevity

  • Doctor Olaf van Schuler’s Brain

    Here’s a great You Tube video of short performances from my friend Kirsten Menger-Anderson’s newly released short story collection. I love this!

  • Rain Taxi Online

    Rain Taxi has some great interviews and reviews this month. Check them out here.

  • My Short Story Collection

    I’m thrilled to announce that Press 53 will be publishing my short story collection WOMEN UP ON BLOCKS in March of 2009. I’m so excited to be publishing with them–I love the work they’ve been putting out, and am thrilled to be added to their list. 🙂

  • College Hill Review

    A new online quarterly review has just launched. The College Hill Review. It looks great and this first issue has an essay by a writer friend of mine, Clifford Garstang and an essay of mine.