Category: Uncategorized

  • Goethe

    “Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying, toozealously, to make it easy for them.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet,dramatist, novelist, and philosopher (1749-1832)

  • Ms. Atwood

    Check out a great transcript of Margaret Atwood’s Writing Philosophy (lecture delivered in Wales, 1995).

  • Think

    Nature can provide for the needs of people; she can’t provide for the greed of people. -Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

  • Quote

    The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped. -Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher (1788-1860)

  • Mensa Invitational winners

    The Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational asks readers to take a word from the dictionary, alter it (by adding, subtracting, or changing a letter), and then supply a new definition. This year’s winners: 1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Reintarnation: Coming…

  • The Arts

    Where would we be without them? Where indeed! Here is Maragaret Atwood’s answer: “The arts – as we have come to term them – are not a frill. They are at the heart of the matter. A society without the arts would have broken its mirror and cut out its heart. It would no longer…

  • Calvin Pratt 1925-2005

    For those of you who have been going through this with me, I just wanted to let you know that my father-in-law passed peacefully this evening, around five o’clock. Thank you for your kindness and concern.

  • Review

    Here is an excellent review (from Pedestal Magazine) of Terri Brown-Davidson’s Marie, Marie Hold on Tight

  • Lake Effect

    It’s here! The television said we are getting an inch an hour, but I just shoveled four inches, and by the time I was done, I turned around and there was another inch behind me. We all went snow-hiking as a family today, found a cool lean-to, and had a winter cookout. Cold, but fun.…

  • Good rejections

    I’ve been wondering lately if good rejections may have the power to paralyze a writer. Specifically, I’m referring to myself (of course) and the following lovely rejection from an editor who shall remain anonymous: Dear Ms. Akers: Thanks for sending your story to our magazine; sorry to be so delayed in our response. We like…