Category: Uncategorized
“Humans — who enslave, castrate, experiment on, and fillet other animals — have had an understandable penchant for pretending animals do not feel pain. A sharp distinction between humans and “animals” is essential if we are to bend them to our will, wear them, eat them — without any disquieting tinges of guilt or regret.”…
Green-glowing pigs
Am I the only one that finds this horrible?? Glowing, green pigs
Generous Crows?
Clickety EVEN ANIMALS ARE CELEBRATING THE SEASON OF SHARING BREWSTER, NY — (December 22, 2005) — Why would a full-grown raven, living in a flight cage at Green Chimneys’ Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, voluntarily feed his own food ration to a group of wild black vultures through the wires of his enclosure? That’s the question perplexing…
Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to 2006, actually. I have this gut feeling that’s it’s going to be a good year. Of course, that could be the crazy optimism that I feel after having finally completed my novel. It’s a sort of insanity, this euphoria at being done. I liken it to the new mother who holds…
Intelligent Design
Judge in Pennsylvania rules that biology teachers need not instruct students in “intelligent design.” Here.
Coral reef ecosystems…
…are declining in U.S. waters.
NOW salutes Rosa Parks
A lovely (brief) tribute can be read here.
Please help stop this.
Dogs used as shark bait. A petition link can be found here. Click on “signez la petition en ligne” and you will be given an English option. Thank you.
Mommy Mania
Here is an excerpt from an article titled Mommy Madness(full piece here) which is itself excerpted from her book Perfect Madness about mothers driving themselves crazy trying to be supermoms: “Women today mother in the excessive, control-freakish way that they do in part because they are psychologically conditioned to do so. But they also do…
Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
This book rocks! Not an extra word in it, and yet every word is essential. The characters are rendered with absolute clarity and sympathy. It’s intensely moving without being sentimental, and it makes you think. What could be better?