Category: Uncategorized
The new issue of elimae is out, and Katrina Denza’s short-short When Alone is gutwrenching.
3AM Magazine is back and Alicia Gifford is in it!
“I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man. It is us.” -Konrad Lorenz, ethologist, Nobel laureate (1903-1989)
Help end the mass slaughter of dolphins
The Japanese fishing industry labels dolphins as “pests” and conducts a mass slaughter each year to keep down the dolphin numbers so that competition for fish such as bluefin tuna is reduced. Dolphins are rounded up in underwater pens, deliberately disoriented by the excruciating noise of metal poles being struck beneath the water (especially painful…
Cooperation among fish
The Public Library of Science (PLoS) has released a fascinating article that details a new discovery: Groupers and Moray Eels coordinating to hunt for food in the Red Sea. Groupers can hunt quickly over a reef, but if prey goes into a crevice, it can’t be reached. Enter Madame Moray, who quickly dives in and…
Protect your intellectual property
Read why, and find out how here. (With thanks to Neil Gaiman.)
Help save the bluefin tuna
This is from the World Wildlife Fund: The Atlantic bluefin tuna is an amazing creature. A warm-blooded fish, it accelerates faster than a Porsche and covers thousands of kilometres in its lifetime. But the fish, which swims into the Mediterranean each year to reproduce, is facing a crisis. Prized for sushi in Japan and across…
Birds of Providence
Read the first installment of an excellent new short story by Jim Tomlinson available at Velocity Weekly. (This will be a regular feature.)
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” -Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)
Sustainable Seafood Matters
This is taken from a WWF email: Whether it is sushi, swordfish steak, paella or fish and chips, many of us love seafood. The trouble is, our oceans are being seriously over fished. So much so, that unless action is taken some of our favourite fish may disappear from the seafood counter and restaurant table…