Category: Uncategorized

  • The Writer’s Life

    A writer’s life Add to My Profile | More Videos

  • The Story of Stuff

    If (like me) sustainability and consumerism have been on your mind lately, you simply must watch this video: The Story of Stuff.

  • Hair and mushrooms…

    …used to clean up oily beaches in an environmentally friendly way. Amazing!

  • And…it’s off!!

    The book went to the printer Friday (Australia time, which was last night my time). Whoo hoo!! The design team decided to do a glossy overlay for the cover, too; it will have the matte picture of snow and reflected trees, and then that image will be covered with a gloss that has an embedded…

  • Two approaches to a creative life

    A fascinating article on creativity can be read at the Chicago Chronicle website.

  • More amazing news!!

    And, I’ve learned that a good friend and great writer, Jim Tomlinson, has just been awarded an NEA Fellowship for 2008!!! The news today keeps getting better and better!!! Here’s the list of prose fellowships, FYI. Congratulations, Jim!!!

  • Congratulations to Laura van den Berg

    Laura has just been announced as the winner of the 2007 Dzanc Prize! You can read more about this at Katrina Denza’s blog. Laura is a great writer and a fine human being–what excellent news!

  • Dolphin sharing

    Here’s an interesting article on dolphin food-sharing behavior. Tampa Bay Newspapers

  • Parrot fish the key to reef survival?

    There’s an interesting article in the journal Nature that talks about how important parrot fish are to the health of a reef (they dine on the algae that can kill reefs) and why they should be placed on the protected species list. A summary can be read here: BBC News.

  • Tuna

    Most of us have heard by now about mercury in tuna, but there is another reason to eat tuna in moderation: declining fish stocks (primarily from overfishing) that could lead to extinction. You can read about it in this BBC article.