Category: Blog

  • Floyd Library Reading

    The appearance at my home town library last Thursday was wonderful! It was my first appearance for the book and I was very nervous, but it turns out I needn’t have worried. We filled the room (43 attendees!) with a supportive and interested group and I had the chance to reconnect with former teachers, childhood…

  • On Animals

    “We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their…

  • One Life to Give

    Have you ever wondered if you could give your life for someone else? Or what it would feel like if someone else gave their life for you? Andrew Bienkowski’s grandfather starved to death on purpose so that his grandchildren could have enough food to survive (when Stalin banished the family to Siberia in 1939). Andrew…

  • Anatomy of a Ten-Day Writer’s Residency

    Day One: After a two-and-a-half hour drive from my Mom’s house in Floyd, Virginia, I’m here! Oh. My. Gosh. It’s gorgeous and wonderful and I’m so thrilled to be here. I drove in, walked to the place where they said my packet would be waiting for me, saw my name on the envelope, and promptly…

  • Interview at the Press 53 blog

    I’m interviewed at the Press 53 blog for the new year. Thank you Christine Norris!   P53: What is your favorite color, and what does that color mean to you? MA: Green is my favorite color. It always has been, even as a little girl when pink or purple were most often the favorites…

  • The Next Big Thing

    Big thanks to the fabulous Ellen Meister for tagging me in this latest writer’s meme. I am so looking forward to reading her forthcoming novel Farewell, Dorothy Parker which has been described as “wickedly funny and surprisingly poignant.”   And now, on with the questions for me: What is the working title of your book?…

  • We Represent the 47%

    Today I have a letter to Mitt Romney up at We Represent the 47 Percent. In general, I don’t push my politics on people. I feel that who I vote for is a fairly private matter between me and the election booth. But the recent video of Mitt Romney speaking to donors just about did…

  • My Interview with Anthony Doerr

    Okay, so I was a little bit intimidated, interviewing one of my very favorite authors, but Tony Doerr turned out to be gracious and generous and wise. Here’s a link to his outstanding interview at the r.kv.r.y. blog: Clicky Mary Akers: Thanks for agreeing to talk with me today. I loved your short story “Oranges”…

  • My Interview at The Review Review

    Thank you, Jessica Ullian, for the great interview!  

  • Merci, Fabrice Midal!

    French version: Le Grand-pere et Le Veau